10 June 2013 Calendar Reading

This relates to the daily reading written by MM on the 10 June 2013 calendar.

The text chosen by the writer was Habakkuk 3:18. The writer chose to use an ESV rendering of ‘I will take joy’. However my Bible says I will joy in the God of my salvation.

“Now that’s pin-pricking; only one word different,” I hear someone say. But is it just that trivial?

Please consider one simple thing that was obviously beyond the writer of the page: Certainly, there is only one word different. Let’s consider that word, ‘take’. It is being used as a verb here. The believer is exhorted in the writer’s comments to ‘take joy’. That word ‘take’ is the verb, is the action. The word ‘joy’ in that statement is a noun. It is what is being taken.

Now consider what the real Bible says: ‘I will joy’. Here the word ‘joy’ is a verb. It is something you could do. Nobody needed the ESV to make the point that MM was trying to make. In fact, the ESV doesn’t technically make it anything like as well as the true Scriptures. Does that surprise me? Not a bit.

Once again we have well-meaning people writing well-intentioned thoughts but in doing so changing the meaning of the Scriptures.

Sorry Mr or Madam MM, but you haven’t convinced me that your ESV is worth being burnt at the stake for. Start using the King James Bible and you’ll soon discover that the real meanings of verses are stated so plainly that you don’t need the work of man to run to. God has already provided a perfect Bible – just use it.