Why this blog?

There are 2 basic reasons for setting up this blog.

Firstly, there are those of us who would sometimes like to respond to published articles and comments when we feel they have missed the point or, worse still, are Biblically incorrect.

We believe the following Biblical basis should be adhered to:

error made privately should be corrected privately
but error made publicly should be corrected publicly.

Not every website allows for public comment. Not everyone will respond to an e-mail even if you can find how to contact a writer. Some people are deliberately uncontactable. Sometimes publishers or websites won’t play ball when we want to contact a writer. Sometimes we just cannot get contact with those we need to.

Well, there is one way that will get to them sooner or later. Blogs do. Someone is doing a search for something and scripturalview.org might be listed with a post about the matter in their search. From there someone contacts someone else with “Hey, did you read what someone said about that piece you wrote in ___?”

Secondly, there are issues and matters that will be dealt with on this blog that need to be out there for others to be able to read about. They need to be presented from a totally Biblical perspective.

We will try to do both.