
As we hear many things spoken of events in the Middle East, and especially those who are Jews, let us be aware of the insidious schemes of the enemy to rubbish the very people the Lord Jesus came and lived as one of. Here is an example of one such known device.

There have been 27 sieges of Jerusalem, one yet to come. The 21st was a particularly awful one in 135AD when the Romans again besieged the city against the false messiah Bar-Cochebas. The city was obliterated. It was renamed Ælia Capitolinus. A temple was erected to Jupiter. Hadrian reported to the Senate the conclusion of the war and a statue of him was consequently placed on the site of the Holy of Holies. For 200 years the city passed out of history, no Jew attempting to approach it.

So great was the relief which Rome experienced by the suppression of Jerusalem and the Jews, that a toast became common at Roman feasts – “Hierosolyma Est Perdita” [= Jerusalem is destroyed]. The guests immediately responded with the shout, “Hurrah!!”

This is the origin of our Hep, Hep, Hooray. Hep [H, E, P] is the abbreviation of “Hierosolyma Est Perdita” [= Jerusalem is destroyed]. To this day the “HEP” (or as it is often said, not knowingly, “Hip”) is shouted by only one person and the rest join in with the shout “Hooray”. (adapted from Number in Scripture by E. W. Bullinger)

No doubt we will all respond with a desire to never again participate in, or encourage the use of, this apparent “frivolity” commonly done in ignorance. Jerusalem is the city God loves.

The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. (Ps 87:2-3)
For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. (Psalm 132:13)
Thus saith the LORD of hosts; I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy. (Zech 1:14)