16 August 2012 Calendar Reading

The comments written by Mr K on the 16 August 2012 calendar state “He [Christ] prayed to His Father that they would be kept from the evil one. (Jn 17:15).”

With all due respect, Mr K, the Lord Jesus prayed nothing of the sort. My Bible clearly states: I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. (Jn 17:15)

What does the verse really say? It says that the Lord prayed that they would be kept from the evil. Now notice that it says from the evil – not just evil. And why would it have the word “the”? Because it is a specific reference to something particular that has already been spoken of in the context and continues to be addressed by the following verses – “the world”. The evil being referred to here is the evil associated with “the world” and all that it stands for.

Now of course we are aware that the Scriptures call the mastermind of “the world” system not only the prince of the power of the air (Eph 2:2) but also the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4).
In his attempts to get his name where it doesn’t belong in the Scriptures, being the imposter that he is and the father of lies (Jn 8:44), he has used some of his servants to deceive, even the elect, by inspiring those servants to manipulate the Greek texts on which so many have put their trust, to their own peril, alas. While the Revised Text of the spiritualists Westcott and Hort might say “evil one” the King James Bible translators never fell for the trap. In the same way those “ungodly men” (Jude 4), Westcott and Hort, twist the text of 1 John 5:19 to say “the whole world lieth in the wicked one” instead of the whole world lieth in wickedness. Once again they try to get their master into a place of prominence at the expense of truth. They divert the focus from “wickedness” to the “wicked one” just as they diverted the reader away from “the evil” to “the evil one”.

Mr K, you need to be more careful. You have allowed the spiritualists Westcott and Hort, haters of evangelicals and sound Biblical doctrine, to influence your interpretation of God’s Holy Word.

But take heart – I was the same about twenty years ago when I was invited to speak about the “Pre-existent Christ”. When I came to speak I found that key verses, one in particular, in the NIV bible I was using didn’t say what it was meant to. I knew what it should say and I needed it. I had to quote it from the King James Bible – the Bible my elderly friend used and claimed had nothing missing from. So I determined  to find out about this. I researched in the local public library and found out about Westcott and Hort – spiritualists involved in necromancy (communication with the dead & spirits) while doing their “translations”. Their names were even listed in the index of a book called ‘Encylopedia of the Paranormal’. They deliberately left out words and ideas because of their hatred of certain doctrines and evangelical believers, it seems. So it was true. It was a deliberate plot; a satanic conspiracy to attack God’s Word. Well, that explains a few things – doesn’t it.