1 October 2012 Calendar Reading

Parts of the comments written by Mr H on the 3 October 2012 calendar make a fair enough point when taken at face value.

It’s amazing what things some unsaved people have said in the past. Even more amazing, maybe, that today people would still quote them.

I have to say though, that I, never the less, cannot fathom why anyone would want to quote from what the unsaved have quoted when they have the Lord to quote or at least His servants whose words the Holy Spirit has chosen to put on record.

Why would any believer put any credence or value on the words of a man who would speak to his nation to motivate them into action and participation in a godless World War that was responsible for the murder of countless believers, let alone a myriad of unsaved who were sent prematurely into a lost eternity?

Please, Mr H, why couldn’t you just have used the quote itself? (The words weren’t those of the King; he quoted them after all.)

“I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown’. And he said to me, ‘Put your hand in the hand of God and that shall be to thee better than a light and safer than a known way.’”

Would the quoted words on their own have made a point?

What purpose was there in even mentioning the King? As head of the Church of England (which he would have been by definition), with all due respect, how could he possibly have not been sadly lost and misguided, spiritually; acting, as he would have to as head of that church, contrary to the clear teachings of the Scriptures? I am at a loss to know how it would benefit the reader for him to even get a mention on a Choice Gleanings calendar.

Is it a bit ironical that a search using the calendar writer’s name brings up his writings on ‘What is happening in UK assemblies?’ Well, let’s start right here with the matter of sending mixed messages to the flock. If there’s a decline in the condition or state of assemblies, as his writings suggest, there is a reason for it. If the flock are fed truth along with the world’s values then what else would we expect? Maybe writers of the calendar should be leading the way by example not exacerbating the problem.

Any king, of whatever nation, who can implore people to participate in a war, has a nerve to then use any mention of God as some kind of hope to be offered to those same people. This is the kind of humanism that young people get fed in institutions of education. Is it any wonder the UK assemblies, and others worldwide, are in a worrying condition when light and darkness are portrayed together?

Brethren, we need to face it. The only way forward is God’s way and young people need to be presented with a Biblical world-view not a secular one.